Thread: Home Theater
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Old 01-12-2010, 03:07 PM
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Originally Posted by StirCrazy View Post
I missed this one. I just finnished putting togeather a home theater/bar in my basement room.

Tony asked is it worth it to go from 5.1 to 7.1 hell ya. a huge differance even in a small to medium area, but I guess it would depend also on how you set up your system.

I was going to go with a projector, 92" screen, and a big expensive sound system, but the other renos started to eat into my fund and I ended up down sizing.

went with a 60" LG plasma TV and I got a Onkyo HST7100 7.1. now alot of you purests are going to shun a Home theater in a box but this one realy isn't the same as other HTIBs as the reciver is a Onkyo 606 and to make the package they added speakers and a ipod dock. I did a lot of review reading and bang for buck this was the best out there as originaly I woas going to go with yamaha. all in all instead of paying 7-8K for my HT I did some belt tightining and ended up spending 3500.00 so far, well a bit more as I added a new blueray player, new Shaw HT box with PVR extender.

I still have to find a cheep but good IR extender as my equipment is going to be mounted in the bar area and I have to get two more bookshelf speakers so I can run both zones whenI am having a few drinks with friends and cranking up the music.

Also I need to find a HDMI switch or splitter as I am also mounting a 32" LCD above the Bar so if we are bellied up having drinks I can have something playing on that TV as you can't see the big one from the bar.

Post up some pictures!
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