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Old 01-11-2010, 11:13 PM
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TheRealBigAL TheRealBigAL is offline
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Westwood Plateau
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Default FS- Live Rock Corals Fish

I am taking down my tank. I can no longer take care of it because of my job. I am currently working 60 hours weeks with OT on top of that. Its not fair to my inhabitants. So I will be selling livestock first.

Live rock about 50 pounds $150.00
20 + different types of sps attached to live rock $260
Also a couple rics, zoas, and Blue linkia starfish on rocks free
Clam $60

Large Aussie Hammer Coral $60 SOLD

Purple Firefish $30

Lrg Male Dragonet (Eats Frozen food and pellets) $25 SOLD

45+ Blue/Purple zoas $30 SOLD

60+ Pink zoas $40

I dont get home from work until 5/5-30pm so pickup can be anytime after that if needed.

Pm me with any questions

Last edited by TheRealBigAL; 01-11-2010 at 11:26 PM.
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