hey guys sorry to all who have been following, it's been awhile since i updated. from the last update i had cooked my tank and lost open brain, frogspawn, potters angel and some zoas from a heater sold to me that was faulty(ohh well stuff happens) since then i had replaced some corals with new ones and added alot more corals.
i sold my old tank to 1337cr3w (hope everything is well) aswell as my clarkii clown, false percula and yellow tail damsel. i replaced those (along with the nice potters angel) with a Harlequin Filefish, Red Mandarin, Yellow Clown Goby and blue/green stripe Goby, plus a tonn of new Zoa's and (what the G/f likes to call "squishy's" LPS). i have added one new piece of live rock (jakarta i believe) and put the old on in the sump. here is some pics
old FTS with the new Harlequin Filefish picking at the frozen food on the acro skeleton

i call my new guy guck's

here is the yellow clown goby (approx .5" big) and Mandarin

these are the best pics i can provide i'm not that great at photo skills.
here are various zoa's again not very good pics
here is some mohawk zoas

invasion zoa's

very nice yellow skirt ones not sure what kind

i also have two different types of watermelon zoa's but need to get better pics
here is some random frag of zoas

here is a really nice yellow leather polyps starting to come out slowly

yellow tipped torch coral

galexia frag

i also have started doseing with zeovit and i am about two weeks into it. i just bought the nano four pack not sure what types they are but i do two bottles of one drop first night and the other two bottles the next night. i was told to do it at night becuase the algea loves the stuff to. im hoping everything turns out
anyways i hope that wasn't to long and ill leave you with the two most current FTS