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Old 01-10-2010, 02:28 AM
SmallFry SmallFry is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Brandon
Posts: 180
SmallFry is on a distinguished road


I've got a coral beauty, a royal gramma, a cleaner shrimp and a tomato clown in my 27 gallon FOWLR. I reckon I'm probably on the limit of what I can keep in there now.

As someone mentioned before the coral beauty may nip at corals if you have them, but she's good to watch - great colours and always on the move. She also does quite a good job on algae control, always nibbling at it.

The royal gramma is pretty entertaining - always hanging around at crazy angles.. He was a little shy at first but now he's out and about most of the time..

The tomato clown is full of character and I've become quite attached to him. However, in hindsight I'd maybe not go for the tomato clown again as he's really territorial and goes for the others occasionally (except the shrimp oddly enough). The coral beauty gets the brunt of it because he can't even get close to catching the gramma. He'll also go for my hand when I do tank maintenance - usually just makes you jump, but he's drawn blood once or twice!

Hope this helps you out.
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