Originally Posted by edikpok
my livestock in a 29g biocube:
mated pair of black clownfish
yellow wrasse
mated pair of bangaii cardinal
mated pair of shrimps
I wouldn't recommned more than this in a 30g tank. Many people here will claim that I am over-stocked too..... I would start with clowns and damsels as the Magent suggested
I agree with you, size is a restriction to what you can have for species, but also for numbers. I started with a 28 JBJ, and did everything possible to maximize my fish population, but again size just has restrictions. For a healthy tank and happy fish, keep the numbers down, but have some nice fish.
Maybe look at:
- six line wrasse
- coris wrasse
- flame angel (very nice and would work in this tank, but if you have coral, you do take a chance of it nipping at it)
- 2 purple firefish
- 2 bangaii cardinals
having all of the above again will push things, but should be fine if you keep on top of things. If you were to remove some, I would maybe go with the above without the purpe firefish.
Six line wrasses are beautiful, they have crazy eyes that show alot of personality. I loved mine, but he got sucked into a skimmer when moved to my bigger tank. Poor guy, he was one of my favorites.