Originally Posted by ScubaSteve
I've been debating the orchid dottyback as well, however, I have a much smaller tanks than you. I have a lot of places for all my fish to hide but I'm not sure how it'd work out. Have you considered a black-cap gramma? They look nearly the same and seem to have a better temperment.
I have seen an orchid dotty in a 50-ish gallon tank with a blenny, anthia, angel and one more that I can't remember and it seemed to get on alright with everyone, though it did spend most of its time hiding in the caves in the tank.
I've seen the Black-cap gramma ... they look pretty interesting, although harder to come by perhaps? Either way, this little guy/girl (can't tell the difference) is already here and all alone in a 30 gallon tank that I would like to turn into a macro-algae type display with perhaps a leaf-scorpionfish &/or seahorses or something of the sort. Judging by the responses I've received here ... thank you everyone, by the way

... I'm thinking I will try the Dottyback out in the big tank and see what transpires. I will certainly refrain from adding any other Pseudochromis and see just how sociable it can be.