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Old 01-05-2010, 07:05 PM
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whatcaneyedo whatcaneyedo is offline
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I havent really noticed too many people getting out of the hobby where I live. The big change is that not many people are getting into it. Back in 2006 I think there were 4 people setting up tanks over 200gal in PG and I think only 1 person has done that since. Many of the people around here who have been getting out of the hobby are those who just recently tried to rush into it without taking enough time to let things mature or researching enough.

For two of the six years that I've had a reef tank I've been a student living under the poverty line with little free time. So sometimes I have a tough time believing that people cant afford or dont have time for this hobby. Maybe they cant afford a 100+ gallon tank but nanos are relatively inexpensive and dont require a lot of time.
"We shall dive down through black abysses... and in that lair of the Deep Ones we shall dwell amidst wonder and glory forever." - H.P. Lovecraft

Old 120gal Tank Journal
New 225gal Tank Journal
May 2010 TOTM
The 10th Annual Prince George Reef Tank Tour
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