Thread: okay now what?
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Old 01-05-2010, 06:42 PM
fishhunter8 fishhunter8 is offline
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Default okay now what?

Bare with me here,
I have about 60lbs of live rock in a temporary 90g tank. All the chemical levels appear to be good, got some nice zoos and mushrooms growing on it as well as a coral I have yet to identify. Because this is just a temporary tank until the new one is set up with a sump and what not I do not want to put a bunch of fish in this one only to have to move them. For lack of a better word the "curing tank" is hooked up with skimmer, heater, pumps/powerheads, and a filter. There are also lights on it.
My problem is there is a slight outbreak of hair algae just starting. My question is, what can I put in the tank that is not truly expensive to help the system along an hopefully help the hair algae? Inverts? Fish?
I don't know what to do now and don't want to put something in the tank only to have it die
Any ideas on this matter?
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