Thread: Mixing wrasses
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Old 01-05-2010, 01:14 PM
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staceyd72 staceyd72 is offline
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Hi Shawn,

I have a Solon(Cirrhilabrus solorensis) as well, he was one of my first wrasse(7 years). My Solon used to be the boss of all the wrasse especially any other Cirrhilabrus that has a similar body; but over the past year it has settled down quite a lot and does not bother with any new additions. My Blue Streak (Labroides dimidiatus) cleaner will pick on every fish in the tank and is notorious for chasing any new wrasse, especially the smaller ones. New additions will no doubt get picked on for the first few days.

I have found that most are peaceful inhabitants and only quarrel after a feeding when the flashers seem to flash at the same time. The most aggressive is my Naoko when flashing, and will force others to jump.

It’s unpredictable as to which fish may jump, so it’s in their best interest to keep a cover. I have 15 different wrasse and all of them have at one time ended up in my overflow.
My only experience is with the reef save wrasse, however, I did have a Formosa (Coris formosa) a long time ago and it’s not one you would want in a reef tank.

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