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Old 01-04-2010, 08:18 PM
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Lance Lance is offline
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Powell River, B.C.
Posts: 3,572
Lance is on a distinguished road

Take three deep breaths and count to ten!............. Calm down!............... Otherwise you might do something you'll later regret: Like catch the bloodthirsty little bitch of a Fire Clown and feed her to the Seagulls!
I was mounting a few frags near her nem and she bit me so hard I pulled my arm back and slammed my elbow into the edge of the euro-bracing. SOB that hurt! Her bite wasn't so bad but the elbow throbs.

Here's the little vampire: she's at the bottom of the nem laughing at me. See her evil, crooked grin.

225g reef
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