I am not trying to rain on anybody's parade here as we were all new and made several mistake as we came into this hobby, Just looking at all PufferPuffers previous threads leads me to believe this is a very re-occuring problem. Perhaps we should advise him to ...Yes try and treat this fish in the safest way possible but perhaps there is an underlying reason for this, A tank with parasites, perhaps something attacked the fish, or poor water conditions, a problem with the way its set up. Is it the right type of tank for a Puffer, eg:size. rock, etc? As for the best advise I would give would be if this fish does not pull through, PufferPuffer should slow down and try to re-examine his set up and see if there is another reason he is having so much problems with this fish. It will save a lot of money and possibly spare another fish from the same fate.