Thread: couple qt ??'s
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Old 01-03-2010, 03:16 AM
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Originally Posted by cuz View Post
i read about removing it with carbon, but after all the copper residue stories it kind of got me a bit nervous!!

after doing the cupramine and then the hypo, did the ich ever return? After going through all this every fish purchase will go through the qt but should every one be dosed with a cuprmine treatment prior to dt entry to guarentee it woun't return?

also what about adding corals to the display? i need to figure out a good dip/qt that will eliminate them bringing anything in as well??

Nope, Ich all gone! Never returned. I don't treat new fish unless I see a problem. I QT them for a minimum of 2-3 weeks: if the new fish has a bug it should show up by then. As for corals I always dip them. I use Seachem Coral Disinfectant but there are several other good ones. Then they go into QT for a bit where I keep an eye on them. Then into the DT they go.
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