Thread: 06+ f150
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Old 01-02-2010, 02:44 AM
whiteice669 whiteice669 is offline
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Campbell River B.C
Posts: 96
whiteice669 is on a distinguished road

you should ask them why they put in a brand new one ? and not repaired the one that was in there for thousands less, ask if they did a cost comparison, prob dont have a proper trans tech there
aga 180g dual overflow 77g sump, mak 4 return, dart pump for closed loop 3 250w se 15,000k mh, 4 80w t5 250 vertex skimmer,3l vertex zeo reactor, marine tech cal reactor.regal,powder brown and yellow tangs, chromis eyelash blennie blue mandran, slowly filling with SPS
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