Thread: 06+ f150
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Old 01-01-2010, 08:24 PM
prodogg02 prodogg02 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: edmonton alberta
Posts: 78
prodogg02 is on a distinguished road

there was a dodge dealed my bud works at that got in s@#$ from the factory cause they were sell edge moduals with the diesels peps were runnin around on level 5 blown injector tips off and then they would waranty them.the factorys send guys around to check the stuff that was warantied to make sure its rally broken and to try and find out why it broke if it doesnt meet the factory warany specs the dealer does not get paid back for the parts i heard they lost alot of money and had a bunch of po'ed customers.

my2rotties keep jumpn your fj and let us know what happens lol you must go through batties like crazy unless you hav a gel cell how are the tie rods holdn up and does it seem to hurt the frt ball pivot on the frt axle

if any one wants some top quality mods check out westers garage it in tilly alberta they do mass work for guys in the states hav seen some of the cars they do on pass time pinks and pinks allout the guys name is lindin wester hes awsome with custom fuel injection.

Last edited by prodogg02; 01-01-2010 at 08:27 PM.
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