Thread: Project Cars
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Old 01-01-2010, 03:30 AM
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the marine apprentice the marine apprentice is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Lacombe
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the marine apprentice is on a distinguished road

not saying it would be a dumb idea it would be awesome to do that. i had a buddy who used to live in edmonton who put a 5.0 in his first gen and it was just crazy the power he had. it was gonna be alot of work for me to do that when i was 17 but now that im 26 and know a lot more about the rotory ill stick with a bridgy. my mechanic tht helps me out with my rx-7s has 18 of them all done up for ice racing and time track. he has an old rx3 that he has all tuned up. that thing sounds amazing.
his first gen is exactly like the one i drive everyday, yeah even in the winter everyone thinks im crazy but its fun.
im excited to get my little truck running this spring with my 12a i am working on that truck is geared low as well so it will be awesome off the line
4' custom tank all starfire. End overflow
2 AI sols
reef keeper lite
Diablo skimmer
Mag 12 return pump also feeding two reactors
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