Thread: Project Cars
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Old 01-01-2010, 02:15 AM
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Originally Posted by MacheteAvenue View Post
my finished project

i miss my toy

re-built her rotten frame and everything

then i sold it for some odd reason

new projectish.. pretty much done too

I did a b16 v-tec swap and tein full coilovers
next its getting a turbo.

next car i want is either a nissan GTI-R or im going to get a 2nd gen rx7 with a blown motor and drop a 5.0L in it
drop a 5.0 liter in an rx thats crazy, when all ya got to do is bridge port the 13b put a new carb and header on it and ya got 300hp nd it weighs half as much as a 5.0. just my opinion though. as i was going to do the same to my first gen rx when i ws back in highschool. had a done up 327 vett engine sittin beside my rx but then thought about all the mods id have to do with suspension rear end tranny and crap like that
4' custom tank all starfire. End overflow
2 AI sols
reef keeper lite
Diablo skimmer
Mag 12 return pump also feeding two reactors
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