Originally Posted by Chad
It has all the modifications that have been suggested on ReefCentral. I understand, hey its a seaclone.. its on a 20gal so I don't want it that efficient.. just enough to get some baddies gunk out while I fight some cyno... It has been running for over a day.. just wondering if its ever gonna make foam..
Personally, I'd argue that you'd need a better skimmer on a smaller tank, because there is less water volume. Any skimmer can pull at least some gunk out of a large tank because there is so much water volume to process. Smaller tanks need skimmers that can more aggressively scrub the smaller amount of water which may flow through them.
Having said that, all new skimmers need a break in period. There are plastic agents on the skimmer's parts which can prevent them from being able to create a stable foam, at least for a few days to a week. Give it some time and see how it goes.