Thread: 06+ f150
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Old 12-31-2009, 05:56 PM
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Originally Posted by my2rotties View Post

Our F350 was the biggest heap there is. I know it happens but because it broke so much, Advantage Ford did not want to fix it anymore and left it on the lots for 6 weeks a year ago. We had to have it towed elsewhere, twice. Out F350 blow up a year old transmission the day we put a 14 foot trailer for our quads on it. It was empty, and Ford did not want to pay the $8000 for the new tranny. It took several weeks to work that whole mess out with them too. We bought EXTENDED warranty believe it or not and here we are having issues with repairs. We had so many issues with it that we puled the insurance and registration on it, and allowed it to be repoed from our house. We took a credit hit since we just could not give the keys back and walk away from it. It has now been sold and I pity the fool that bought it. It was a beautiful truck on the outside...

I hear so many horror stories about Ford and their lack of fixing their broken product. Mind you, I am sure everyone has similar stories with every manufacturer. I had an old 1993 Chevy Blazer full size, and drove it for 500000km.... on the same drive train. When it started really rusting on me, I got my Fj, since I loved them when they first came out. Now everyone has them of course. I miss my old Blazer, it was a sweet truck.

MY hubby looked at the Tundras and says they sound tinny inside when you shut the doors. He says a truck should have that vacuum noise and be silent inside when you are driving. I tend to agree. Our F350 made such a racket though, I am surprised he would notice any inside noise on anything else.
ahh but the sound of a diesel is beautiful

if I remember your posts on the truck problem right, you bought a modified truck from a dealership and ford was refusing to fix it as it had been modified.. rightly so... this is a dealeship problem not realy a ford problem and unfortunatly it is happening in more dealerships. Chev, and dodge dealerships are doing it also. this is a total crock of BS and the dealeships that are doing this should lose there licence with the respective manufactures. the problem isn't that they are modifying them it is they are doing it wrong and not standing by there own work.

I just got back from christmas in edmonton and saw sever jacked up, aftermarket exhaust and chipped trucks for sale in the lots.. nice to get the toys but unless the dealership stands behind them they are a problem waiting to happen. I have only seen hopped up chevs here in Kamloops but I haven't been looking to hard either.

I have modified my diesel but I did a lot of research first. it is a older 7.3 engine which can handle a lot more power than either the 6l or the 6.4l with out blowing up and I had my tranny rebuilt to my requirments. with any of the diesels if you up the power in the engine you need to up the strength in the tranny or you will blow it. so what you had if I am recalling it right is a dealer than upped the power in the engine and left the tranny alone. so now when you are playing (which all men do ) you are putting a lot more stress on the tranny and eventualy it goes. I think I remember your truck having exhaust work done also.. this adds a tone of power in diesels, usaly not enough on its own to dammage a tranny but it will raise egts, and if they didn't install EGT and Tranny temp gages then you will have no idea your are hurting anything untill its to late.

personaly I would have launched a huge law suit against the dealership as Ford was well with in there right to refuse warenty work on a modifyed truck, as it is to easy for them to prove that anything that adds power can cause a tranny to burn up.

*everything said above is just my opinion, and may or may not reflect the views of this BBS, its Operators, and its Members. If cornered on any “opinion” I post I will totally deny having ever said this in a Court of Law…Unless I am the right one*

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