Originally Posted by asmodeus
you arent going to get the same effect with the water going up through the sand. you need to have no oxygen in the bottom for anarobic to work you are just going to have the sand all over the place.
Well the sand does fly all over the place but a decrease in anaerobic bacteria would yield an increase in aerobic bacteria (Atleast this is my approach at it). Does anyone have any studies cited on the efficiency of anaerobic compaired to aerobic in respects to nutrient export? I would think that the presense of oxygen would increase efficency (Atleast in Eukaryotes this is true) but could be the opposit for prokaryotes.
I've been DSB free for a few years now and never looked back. I still get envious of those with nice white sandbeds but all mine ever did was collect detritus and create a nutrient sink for algae growth.
Christy have you ever tried a remote DSB? My main tank only has about 1-2 inches of sand but I reap all the rewards of a DSB by having them out of the display.