Really excited to see how these work out, I will keep tuned but thanks for spending the time and writing this up Tony (Guess there's a reason they selected you to mod

So this begs the question, why am I doing both these and zeo? And the answer is something I don't really have firm grip on. Both methods intrigue me; so why not try both? But one reason I can enumerate is the water clarity you get with zeo. Zeo tanks never fail to amaze me for their water clarity, you can pick out a zeovit tank at a glance for their water clarity. The colours pop more too if you have SPS, but I don't, so I can't really say that it makes my corals colour up more, but I dig the water clarity.
As much science as there is in reef keeping I kind of enjoy looking at my tank like stew in a giant crock pot (As odd as this might seem). You have to have the meat and potato's but adding little things here and other stuff there is what makes your special blend. It's almost like a 6th sense just there, hard to explain.