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Old 12-27-2009, 09:06 AM
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manaf manaf is offline
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Originally Posted by The Grizz View Post
My very large Volitain Lion fish eat's a full silverside (about 3" long) cut in half soaked in garlic once every couple of day's. He was beening feed live goldfish when we got him with the 65 gal tank we bought used. We had to starve him about 14 day's and then introduce the silverside's to him. I use a long set of feeding tong's. I can tell when he is hungery by his action's of swimming near the top of the tank. This is just my experience, Ken now's his stuff more then me so just my 2 cent's.
thats grizz the more info the better im going to try that but my zebra lionfish hasent been swimming around in the middle of the tank he does come out but he swims from rock to rock just not out in the open , would my flowrate be a problem for him if its too strong?
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