Thread: 33g first tank
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Old 12-24-2009, 02:13 AM
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1337cr3w 1337cr3w is offline
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
Heya! You've got a great start on your tank! Your live rock has really nice shapes. Where did you get it? Good to see another Skatchie on the forums!!!

You may want to consider progressing slower, as I foresee some possible deaths in the near future from pushing on too quickly. It would have been wise to wait at least a week with 0 ammonia/nitrite before adding livestock. It would have also been wise to just add one fish at a time, especially in a tank of a smaller size. Anemones are also quite sensitive creatures, and appreciate a more established reef. Keep an eye on your critters for signs of stress as you may need to move back a step before stepping ahead again. Your anemone almost looks like a hairy mushroom in the pic though. Or a Rock Anemone of some sort (there are many different species)?

How's the temperature in the tank with the big halide? Do you get fluctuations from night/day?

well reef_surfer had the tank down for only a week buit the live rock live sand and everything was still in a running tank so, i hope i was safe to put them in already but ya i probably should have waited a bit longer. and with the light i have to turn down the heater when i turn it on or it will rise over a degree per hour. but i keep an eye on it checking every hour and adjusting to compensate.

I have two bags of carbon and a sponge in the filter do i replace one carbon with a bag of a mix of these?

and reef_kid thanks ill look into those.

Last edited by 1337cr3w; 12-24-2009 at 02:15 AM.
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