Originally Posted by RuGlu6
If we would really be so good to our fish we would Not keep it in the glass box to begin with.
When we buy anything that is worm blooded from LFS we are just as same,
When we buy a dog and cut its ears off or a tail (because it looks better that way), we are just as same, How about removing cat's claws? how would that feel.
lets face it, we the people, we don't realize what we do, and most of it is for profit or entertainment. 
The only thing that you,ve mentioned here that has no purpose is ear docking. This practice is being frowned on by many breeders now.
All of the stuff you've mentioned are(now days) done by people who are animal physicians. Maybe you've heard of them? In most cases the procedures that you mention are done to increase the pets quality of life They don't remove dew claws, dock tails, spay and let them run around while they giggle like little school girls. Killing animals for food is something that we do, but when we remove the flesh off of a living thing and then watch it squirm, swim or wiggle while we eat it...... That makes us animals. There is no plus to doing this. The fish, frog or invertabrate doesn't get any fresher. It won't taste any better than if you had just killed it. If the amount of suffering is proportional to the quality of the meal, there's serious issues that have nothing to do with food and everything to do with old world thinking and a lack of understanding.
Nothing is gained by watching a living creature suffer.