Wow man this looks awesome! Great great great job on it!
I love the 'stand'... my uncle did that as a stand for his 180g, cinder blocks and 3 I-beams, haha.
About the HRV's.... looks like there is another customer for the identical HRV in here, we also have a LifeBreath unit in our house! Haha. it is actually also tied in as the 'bathroom fans'. It works wonders. I have 8 tanks running in the house, about to set up number 9... even in my 'fish room', I have 0 condensation on the windows! They work amazing and I agree about the fresh air comment, its very 'refreshing' in the house... never feels stale.
Thanks for sharing this build Chris!
No more tanks  - Laying off the ReefCrack for awhile!