Thread: Live sushi
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Old 12-22-2009, 06:18 PM
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Originally Posted by RuGlu6 View Post
If we would really be so good to our fish we would Not keep it in the glass box to begin with.

When we buy anything that is worm blooded from LFS we are just as same,

When we buy a dog and cut its ears off or a tail (because it looks better that way), we are just as same, How about removing cat's claws? how would that feel.
lets face it, we the people, we don't realize what we do, and most of it is for profit or entertainment.

Your going to really compare buying anything warm (I think you meant 'warm') blooded from a LFS (not sure how many warm blooded animals are found in a LFS mind you) to eating a fish live piece by piece?

I don't understand why you visit a fish keeping forum if you have these views?

On another note, I have seen another video where they fry a whole fish live, at a very high heat but only for a few seconds each side until it sears. Then pour some sauce on it and serve it still live. The people at the table start ripping it apart and eating it as the things eyes are moving around and it wiggles. You just hear little giggles each time the poor fish moves Everyone pauses for a moment until it stops and then start ripping it apart again.

Won't get into the dolphin videos from Japan (most disturbing to me) but I will say its all very sad.

Last edited by GreenSpottedPuffer; 12-22-2009 at 06:24 PM.
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