Originally Posted by Delphinus
What kind of camera? We gave Nathan a toy version of a digital camera one Christmas but it sucked, so for his 4th birthday he got a real digital camera. It's nothing profound but seriously, it wasn't that much and he can take photos with it that are actually worth keeping. Plus, it's awesome because with the perspective, they are a perfect representation of "the world as seen by a 4 year old."
As long as you're not overspending like crazy, because a 2 year old is a 2 year old and you know darn well how that camera is going to get treated ... I actually think this is a great idea. Yeah, I didn't get a digital camera until I was late 20's either, and the 1.0 megapixel POS that that thing was, was nothing compared to the most basic of basic cameras available at the $60-100 price point nowadays, but ... meh, the world is different I guess.
Someone I might consider for his next birthday is an iPod .. yeah, an iPod. He LOVES music and his tastes in music are nothing short of amazing. I'll never forgot the look on rbacchiega's face (too bad she doesn't hang out on the board anymore) when she came over (he was still 3 at this point) and he started discussing Johnny Cash with her (she has a Johnny Cash tattoo on her leg .. among other artists). Not your average conversation with a 3 year old. 
Well, Jaeden started by wanting to play with daddy's big camera. Fortunately it weighed about as much as he does so he gave up on that. Then he noticed one day that we had a point and shoot and took that for a spin. He learned how to use it pretty quick. But as you said, a 2 year old is a 2 year old and he was pretty rough with it. He gets very sad now when we limit his "play" time with the point-and-shoot so he's getting his own fisher price nuclear proof digital camera. His favourite photography subject his himself.. he takes lots of self portraits, which actually kind of amazes me a little.
He is also getting good at navigating my iPhone. He can find all his favourite game apps on it so for his birthday he's getting his own iPhone