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Old 12-22-2009, 03:43 PM
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Dez Dez is offline
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Originally Posted by Funky_Fish14 View Post
Hey Dez!

Wow this build came a long way and looks AWESOME! Great job with everything you did! Your workmanship is great!

I had poked my nose in here awhile back, closer to the beginning and wow what a change! Keep up the good work!

Lol, I noticed your waterchange bin/system is very similar in appearance and parts to my R/O supply system. I have the identical white bin (though I also have the 60g version) and a mag in the bottom with similar appearance in plumbing comming out and the same notch in the lid, lol.
- About that bin, cause some people asked: Those white bins like that are available in TONS of different shapes and sizes from Polyrama Plastics in Edmonton. They have several sizing pages available at the store, but all the volumes there are in imperial gallons. The prices are great for the bins!

Cheers Dez, and thanks for sharing!

Thnaks for the nice remarks Chris. It has come a long way and it still has a long way to go.

I'm so glad that I got that round bin. I did a water change last night and a 35 gallon water change took me 7 mins. Mind you I did dump the salt in before I went to work in the morning to let it premix. But it's quite effective and it makes maintenance a breeze.

When I ran about 600 gallons of saltwater before, I was horrible at doing water changes cause it was all 5 gallon buckets.
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