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Old 12-22-2009, 02:58 PM
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banditpowdercoat banditpowdercoat is offline
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Default LF 1Ghz+ bare computer tower.

I want to upgrade my CNC Milling machine's computer. I am presently running a DOS based program, on a P 200Mhz slow as molassas computer haha. The software I want to run, is windows based, but needs a MIN 1Ghz Processor. I just need the tower. HDD would be nice too, but don't need monitor, keyboard, none of that crap. It has to have a Parallel Printer Port too. Pretty much all new comps I have seen lately have gone away from the Parallel port, USB only .

So, I'd figure I'd see if any Canreefers have any old towers taking up space in their closet's? Could use 2 comps if have them,. The wife's little computer is a 200Mhz too, She would love it if facebook didn't crash it HAHAHAHA

Let me know what you've got and how much, the cheaper the better, wink wink
Dan Pesonen

Umm, a tank or 5
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