My Harlequin Tuskfish and Lunare Wrasse have been together for nine months. From day 1 the Tuskfish has chased the Lunare Wrasse with murder in his eye. I always suspected it was more play than serious. (Surely he would have caught up to him by now.)
Well, this morning he did!
I threw a fresh clam in the tank and after it was eaten the Trigger was playing with the empty shell, swimming back and forth with it in his mouth. When he dropped the shell it landed in a corner, between the glass and some rock. The Lunare Wrasse went in to have a look and the Tuskfish cornered him between a rock-and-a-hard-place. The Wrasse had no escape. The Tusk moved in on him, and the Wrasse froze. Then they touched noses, the Tusk backed up, and let the Wrasse go! Then the chase was on again. It was just like they were playing tag!
I know...........this sounds like I've been dropping acid. I just wish I had had the video camera on them. But here's a couple of pics of the two children.