Thread: 33g first tank
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Old 12-19-2009, 09:58 PM
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Default 33g first tank

I bought this tank used form reef_surfer and plan to house a dwarf lion in it. some specs on the tank are.

-33g tank 30.5"Long x 12.5"wide x 18.75" high
-seio 650 water pump
-25lbs live sand and coral rubble
-aprrox. 40 lbs live rock
-aquaclear 50 filter
-coralife super skimmer 65
-250W Metal Halide light with ballast

the tank was down for a week so its cycling now only been 4 days so far. I came across the topic of uv sterilizers and was wondering if it'd be something i should have, i plan to have a dwarf lion, a clown fish and a yellow tail damsel in the tank with a few corrals.

first on stand empty

halide only w/camera flash

in dark no camera flash

Last edited by 1337cr3w; 12-20-2009 at 05:30 PM.
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