shorted the time your lights are on 2 on 2off 2 on 2off 2on and then off the rest of the time. I call it stormy days use atinics only HA does not grow well ubder atinics. use a sea hair and when it starts to slow its feeding progress then it is prity much done even if there is still HA left he probaly will not touch it. There may be some of the stiffer type of algea mixed in I have found they don't seem to like that type and will leave the area alone. once you think hes prity much done what he is going to the sell on here or pass it along even give it back the LFS. When sea hares die they release a toxin into the water and it may kill the all the tanks ocupents. The use of tap water in some areas is a contributing factor in the groth of HA. Where I am I don't think it makes much difference as our water is Ro and I use a comercial grade filter system.