Thread: Tipping point
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Old 12-19-2009, 08:18 PM
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Default Tipping point

Oi! I'm at the end of my rope on this one. I've got more Hair Algae than I know what do to with. I've manually pruned the whole tank, added a crew of snails and crabs, an urchin, an algae blenny and I've tried a scopus tang, who i might add didn't even have the slightest interest in the stuff. PO4 is 0 obviously because the HA is at it, and the nitrates are below 2. I've done 100g+ water changes in the last week, and the crap keeps growing. running a phosban reactor for months, changed the media too... not sure where this leaves me. Ideas? maybe go FOWLER and get some butterfly fish? dunno.
"what do you mean you need another tank??"
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