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Old 12-17-2009, 01:28 AM
trilinearmipmap trilinearmipmap is offline
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Prince Rupert B.C.
Posts: 1,213
trilinearmipmap is on a distinguished road

Just wait a while. Every so often someone tears down their whole tank and has a bunch of live rock to get rid of.

Your other option to purchase dead base rock for cheap and use a few nice pieces of live rock to seed it.
120 gallon sps/anemones/LPS reef since 2004
Apex controller
8 x 54 watt T5 PowerModule
Herbie's silent overflow system
Jebao DC 12000 return pump
Jecod CP-40 Cross-flow circulation device
Mini Bubble King 180
Barr Aquatics calcium reactor
Bucket fuge
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