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Old 12-16-2009, 09:18 PM
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Originally Posted by StirCrazy View Post
I don't know anyone who would order a custom tank and it be imparitive to have it in 4 days, or even 2 weeks.. like anything else in this hobby.. paitents is a virtue.. so order stuff way befor you need it.

I had a 125 gallon tank (48" wide 20" depth 30" tall) made by Mitch at Bow Valley 8 months ago.

It was for a buddy of mine out of town that we were going to visit.
My buddy was sitting on the fence as to wether or not he needed another tank.

I called Mitch TWO days before we were to leave and asked to have the tank made up. Well he made it that day, and gave it a day to dry in his shop.
Price was discussed over the phone and no money exchanged hands till I picked it up.

This was a freshwater tank. So there was no overflows, holes drilled, etc.
I told him overall dimensions and that he wanted it eurobraced.

I'm sure that if I wanted to nit pick and have an overflow installed 12.25" from the edge, 2.375" from the bottom, with 3 holes drilled x" apart and so on, he would have not wanted to deal with me on short notice.

Most of the places that I called took longer to get back to me with their quotes than he had it made in.

Anyone thats ever been to the shop knows that he is constantly answering the phone to as an example people looking to have a 10 gallon tank made for cheaper than Walmart.

If he had someone who was controlling the front end more, rather than him working and answering the phone at the same time, im sure that most of the complaints would disappear.

When the time comes, I will buy a tank from him again.
9 Gallon Nano, Modular LED Lights
14 Gallon BioCube w/ Rebel LED Lights
67 Gallon Mixed Reef, Modular LED Lights

Send in the Clowns - Clown Fish Breeding
5 Gallon Fry Hatchery and 15 Gallon Clown Grow Out Tank
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