I look at it this way if I'm going to buy Rock I'm going to go where there is the cheaper price, end of bitching, come on people support your local vendors if they arent doing it right thing teach them. Don't bitch about it fix it. wow too much complaining, until you have a head dollar of 100,000K to play with (
zip it) its nothing worst then someone bitching to get posts or just to be heard. just to make a statement. sorry folks to many people here trying to make a name for them selfs. I understand that people can't make t he proper business or thatthey dont have enought money. But come on they are making a statment or trying to help out.. give them a chance.
mike OUt
green well said
Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer
Who cares?
Just buy the rock from wherever you want and let the vendors do what they want. It's the same as buying anything, if you don't like a product, don't buy it. Simple.