Originally Posted by Myka
Ok, this has been a long standing complaint of mine...
Why do vendors always get in a bunch of live rock from overseas plop it in a holding tank, and not give a popcorn fart if the ammonia spikes to 4 ppm?? Why oh why do you guys do this? Most vendors don't even have a skimmer on the holding tank, some don't put a heater in it, and some use tap water!!!
In all fairness your statement linking all vendors is like my saying
" All girls from Saskatoon make general assumptions" (which is not true).
You would not be taken as ASSUMING if you stated " A vendor I visited in Calgary , or Regina, or Saskatoon did etc., etc.
I do now agree all sellers of live rock should thrive to keep it in an environment that allows beneficial bacteria, pods, etc. to thrive. That said heaters, skimmers, and clean water are an essential.
One thing I do not agree with is Lighting on LR for resale in my care. My goal is to sell live rock that adds benefit to your tank immediately without adding ammonia. All die off will have already been processed. General fish systems with new fish arrivals is NOT a good place to store LR for customer sales.
Originally Posted by Myka
One day, I'm going to have my own store...things will be different!!!! 
And then you will get a chance to defend yourself from people that will link you with general accusations.
Thanks Myka Live Rock is such an import part of our systems and more care (even on my part) should be taken to ensure we utilize this limited resource to its fullest.