F/S - Edmonton
Hey guys & gals
Just re-arranging my tank & found some goodies ! lol
2 chunks of yellow toadstool
- $5 bucks each - SOLD
2 trees of frogspawn
- $15 bucks each or $25 for both - SOLD
1 Leather mushroom
- $20 bucks for, it does have war-scars. lol
* But has healed awesome, since I moved him away from the toadstools.
From finger to finger, easily 4-5 inches wide - SOLD
Please PM, if interested.
P/U only, I'm downtown
Give me a month or so, and I will be fragging off Pulsing Xenia
Last edited by CrystalBlu3; 04-19-2010 at 04:29 AM.