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Old 12-11-2009, 05:46 PM
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Default $10 frags ! SPS, Zoos,Anemones, live rock and more !!

Hey, I am still in the process of setting up a new tank and need more money for it, I will acept trades I am looking for the following

- 2 little fish phosban reactor
-vortec MP40
-Calcium reactor
-Mini Bubble King 160 Protein Skimmer
-pinpoint PH
- Rare zoos

Thoes are really the last few things I need for the new tank so will only trade for that or cash

Photos are from 3 different tanks with different lights, as well some photos are older but the coral still looks the same just larger

first up

30Gallon fish tank

I was gona use as a QT but I found a different setup. This tank comes with heater,canopy/lights,hob filter, fake plants and rock.
$40 OBO

Live rock

I got some extra rock, around 100lbs extra all is cured and is full of life and covered in coraline. I got some larger pieces and smaller ones, some have mushrooms etc on them.
$3 per pound, deals can be made

Live Sand

Just about 1 saltbucket full of live sand


- 1 neon green BTA light pink tips, around 5"-6" when fully open

-4 small green with pink tip BTA around 2" each $15 each


-Candy apple red ~ $20 2-4 polyps (limited)

- HRRC 4-6 polyp frag ~ $10

-eagle eye 10 polyp frag ~ $10

Marshian PE's ( limited only 2 frags left) ~ $15 per polyp
2 polyp frag $25


- Aussie acro, iridescent green base with lavender purple tips with electric green highlights, white/beige polyps ( Limited only 1 frag ) ~ 2-3" frag $10

- Lemon Lime acro, yellow base with green highlights ( limited 2 frags ) ~ 2-4" frag $10

-Acropora Subulata with nice pink tips, iridescent green base and burgundy red polyps ~2-4" frag $10

- Millepora, gold yellow base with green polylps ~ 2-4" frag $10

- Millepora, cream base with lavender and blue tips ~3-4" frag $10

- Deepwater acropora suharsonoi, nice neon green ~ 2-4" frag $10

-Aussie Acro, Metalic green base with bright blue tips ~ 2-4" frag $10

Also I have a bunch of cheato, 1 free bag with purchase of anything from above.

PM me for shipping info

Thats is all for now, more to come.

Thanks for looking.
"The real measure of your wealth is how much you’d be worth if you lost all your money"
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