Hey, I am still in the process of setting up a new tank and need more money for it, I will acept trades I am looking for the following
- 2 little fish phosban reactor
-vortec MP40
-Calcium reactor
-Mini Bubble King 160 Protein Skimmer
-pinpoint PH
- Rare zoos
Thoes are really the last few things I need for the new tank so will only trade for that or cash
Photos are from 3 different tanks with different lights, as well some photos are older but the coral still looks the same just larger
first up
30Gallon fish tank
I was gona use as a QT but I found a different setup. This tank comes with heater,canopy/lights,hob filter, fake plants and rock.
$40 OBO
Live rock
I got some extra rock, around 100lbs extra all is cured and is full of life and covered in coraline. I got some larger pieces and smaller ones, some have mushrooms etc on them.
$3 per pound, deals can be made
Live Sand
Just about 1 saltbucket full of live sand
- 1 neon green BTA light pink tips, around 5"-6" when fully open
-4 small green with pink tip BTA around 2" each $15 each
-Candy apple red ~ $20 2-4 polyps (limited)
- HRRC 4-6 polyp frag ~ $10
-eagle eye 10 polyp frag ~ $10
Marshian PE's ( limited only 2 frags left) ~ $15 per polyp
2 polyp frag $25
- Aussie acro, iridescent green base with lavender purple tips with electric green highlights, white/beige polyps ( Limited only 1 frag ) ~ 2-3" frag $10
- Lemon Lime acro, yellow base with green highlights ( limited 2 frags ) ~ 2-4" frag $10
-Acropora Subulata with nice pink tips, iridescent green base and burgundy red polyps ~2-4" frag $10
- Millepora, gold yellow base with green polylps ~ 2-4" frag $10
- Millepora, cream base with lavender and blue tips ~3-4" frag $10
- Deepwater acropora suharsonoi, nice neon green ~ 2-4" frag $10
-Aussie Acro, Metalic green base with bright blue tips ~ 2-4" frag $10
Also I have a bunch of cheato, 1 free bag with purchase of anything from above.
PM me for shipping info
Thats is all for now, more to come.
Thanks for looking.