Originally Posted by Red Coral Aquariums
Small frequent water changes are superior to larger water changes (you do not want to stress out everything more)
I dont mean to directly dissagree, but in this case, with such high ammonia, a large water change is needed to bring it down. If you do the math it will take 7 water changes at 10% in size to achieve less than .5ppm ammonia (which is still high), while 1 50% waterchange will achieve .5ppm ammonia. (if someone wants to see the math I'll post it)
I only suggest a large water change to get the 'white crud' out, and eliminate the ammonia which I think in this case is a more severe matter than water change stress. Otherwise i would agree.
However, to the OP: Please do not read 'smaller frequent water changes' as 10% once a week, it means 10-25% every day to 3 days. 10% once a week will not make enough of a difference.