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Old 12-10-2009, 06:15 AM
Red Coral Aquariums Red Coral Aquariums is offline
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Calgary
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Red Coral Aquariums is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Salty_Hobby View Post
I have 3 clown fish (2 spp), the green tip polyps, a cleaner shrimp, anemone, lawnmower blenney, 2 fire tail gobies I think they're called, hermit crabs (with the blue tip claws), a long spined urchin (he's not looking so good) and a yellow tang. I have about 10lbs of live rock in a 47US Gallon tank.
So just to confirm from what I have been reading you have

7 fish
4 or 5 inverts not including snails
10 lbs live rock in a 47 gal.

I do have to agree with xtreme with his comment.

xtreme Do you run a skimmer? Sounds like a fair size bio-load and not enough live rock for filtration.

I initially suspected flatworms when you called me earlier today but from your pictures that is not the case or they are not anything I have encountered. Try and explain a little more about the white spots. Are they soft?. Do they come off the glass easy or are they stuck on firm? Do they squish and denigrate when you touch them? Do they move around? etc. Any info would help identify them.

Small frequent water changes are superior to larger water changes (you do not want to stress out everything more)
Run carbon
Set your skimmer up to run wet
Until you are certain what the problem is do not move your fish.
Bring in a water sample to the store and I will run some tests. ( a sample before a water change)
Call the store if you need some advice.

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