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Old 12-10-2009, 02:51 AM
Salty_Hobby Salty_Hobby is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: calgary, ab
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Exclamation HELP ME! No one seems to know what is killing my fish!

I bought a new anemone with clown fish a week and a half ago... and I know better than to put it straight in my tank but I did...

Now I have a white film growing all over my glass and on most of everything in my tank. My ammonia levels spiked and I've got it down to about 1ppm but my fish are still suffering. Nothing I try is relieving the ammonia and I don't know what the white film is or how to get rid of it.

The white film is like a cloudy layer with spots of concentrated white. Almost like a bacterial culture is growing?

I've attached some pictures, please help with any advice you have. I have been using ammolock over the past 5-7 days, but have moved to Stability to try and get the ammonia under control.

I bought a spare tank if I need to move my fish to a clean tank if I can't get the water quality under conotrol. Any advice?! My fish are dieing, my anemone is wilting and my sea urchin has dropped all his spines
Attached Images
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