Well I voted on this a while ago but now I want to comment
1st- Stircrazy I agreee with most of what you said with the exception of one point
14. Men have better distance vision and depth perception, and usually better vision in lighted environments. Women have better night vision, see better at the red end of the light spectrum, and have better visual memory.
When I work in the neruoscience lab one of the things I remember clearly is that men have a higher density of rods in there eyes which allows for greater acuity in vision including low light situations but are not sensative to light. woman have more cones which gives them far greater color awareness ( GO CLOTHES SHOPPING WITH A FEMALE FOR PROOF) but lower detail ability and night vision
Now back to the topic at hand, equality.
It has been and always will be nothing but wishfull thinking. In society we have selective breeding and that is the start. it is known the we are drawn to certain persons who have a set of traits that will compliment our own, producing offspring that are better ( more fit) able to survive. we also tend to pick mates that are at or very near our own social class, some factors can allow us to move up or down such as wealth, percieved power, or great beauty but for the most part we stay close to our own level like it or not. So from a societal perspective equality is very unlikely.
From a workforce standpoint I think equality is not only a bad idea but has actualy deen detrimental in many ways to the progress of minorities. Do you think that any employer forced to hire the 2nd or 5th best applicant simply because of a forced quota system will be happy about it? That same employer may then decide that he/she will only hire to fill the quota and then not consider any more minorities. Also in jobs where a very specific skill set is needed changing requirements to " level the playing field" is counter to simply selecting the best person for the job and could end up being dangerous depending on the job.
As a 6'4" 300 pond man I know that there are jobs out there that I cannot do based purely on my sizebut I also know that my 5'5" 120 pound wife was not the person I wanted watching my back when I worked as a bouncer in some very nasty bars.
Biocube 29 est 05/05/08, Koralia 1, 30lbs live rock, ,yellow tail blue damsel, pair cinnamon clowns, baby snowflake eel,Toadstool , metallic green mushroom, assorted zoos , kenya treen
180gall display, 190 pds live rock, virgate rabbitfish,bluejaw trigger, bubblletip anemone,yellow tang, sailfin tang,melanarus wrasse, cloud wrasse,
