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Old 12-06-2009, 09:07 PM
sarzeff sarzeff is offline
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Trail, BC
Posts: 50
sarzeff is on a distinguished road

I've used the epoxy to secure corals and rocks and it works well, just be careful as it can actually kill your fish. It doesn't say this on the package but the talc gets into the water and if it's too much can take the oxygen out of the water. Online I read that it's supposed to only happen if you use ALOT of putty and in poorly oxygenated tanks however I did not use very much and my tank has a filter and a skimmer that is more than enough for it and I still lost a damsel from the talc. It can be avoided by mixing the putty together and instead of putting it right into the tank rinising it in water, letting it dry and then reworking it. This was Aquascape putty I used, not sure about how other brands work but I got this stuff because it was recommended and dries the colour of coraline.
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