when i first started my saltwater tank back last january the dude at the lfs told me to use purple up, so i did, and i got amazing results with it, a few months ago i stopped using it because it drives your calcium out the roof and i wanted to start having nice coral in my tank. when i was doseing it i only had some xyena, some gsp, and a colt coral, and they seemed to thrive in the conditions. but then i tried some lps and sps and it didnt do anything. but my rock is pretty damn purple though.
so i think it is all personal prefferance if ya want to use it or not. i stopped using it on my 90g, but i might use it on my cube which is gonna be softies only,
4' custom tank all starfire. End overflow
2 AI sols
reef keeper lite
Diablo skimmer
Mag 12 return pump also feeding two reactors