gonna re-scape!!
thinkin about re-doing my rock work this weekend to try and organize some clutter. Everything growing into each other and a few are getting mad at there neighbors. so along with some heavy fragging i think i'm gonna try a change of scenery as well. My question being: what does every one suggest for some nice tall rock structures? i've searched on the pvc and acrylic rod method and think it would work awesome but i'm leary on pulling peices out for drilling and causing to much die-off on my rock. Should i go with an epoxy putty to support the stuctures between the peices? (along with them inter-locking naturaly, just as bracing around the outer edge of them joining)..Should i use my drillbit extension and keep my rock submerged in a pail of water while i drill it for an acrylic rod?
Just lookin for opinions feel free to shoot whatever suggestions anyones got please...