Just an update.
The female black clown didnt make it. Also been having some problems with vanishing fish. No bodies found and fish appear fine the day before they are discovered "gone". So far In the last 5 months I have lost:
1 orchid dotty
1 tail spot blenny
1 small powder brown tang
No carpet surfers, bones on any other signs found.
Other than that and diatoms on the sand bed things are going well. Added a yellow tang last week and it seems happy. Getting good coral growth all around.
One of my RBTA split and Im working on getting one of the clones to move to another rock so I can sell/trade it.
Gonna add two more power heads and a sand goby to knock down the diatoms. Thinking of going with 2 korelia 2s placed mid tank level pointing down at a 45 degree angle.