Here are some new pics, i haven't updated for a while! I am FINALLY over my bout with Bryopsis its been a long battle! I think the clincher was me finally getting a lettuce nudibrach, and completely vaccuming the sand bed regularly with my water changes! I treated myself to a strawberry patch monti cap frag for finally winning!
Strawberry Monti
Teal Birdsnest
Red Monti Cap
Pink Zoa
Orange Zoa
Full Tank

"120 Gallon - Fastest Build in the West"
20Gal Sump, 2x 250 PFO Metal Hallides running 2 20k XM Bulbs, 2X54 HOT5 1 KZ Coral Light 1 Fiji Purple, Euroreef RS 100 Skimmer, Quiet One 6000 Return Pump, 2X Tunze 6025, Nano Wavebox ~To Live Is To Reef~
Last edited by rstar; 12-02-2009 at 05:41 AM.