I'm moving to an apartment in Calgary in January that will not allow me to take my cube tank, and I need to find homes for my livestock. PM me for what you are interested in (i'm in Calgary central/NW).
30-40lbs Fiji Liverock - Some algae blooms, some coraline etc. Some green star polyps, mushrooms etc. Algae Could be easily scrubbed. $100
Same amount of Live sand - $50 OBO
Pink/Yellow Torch Coral - 1 head $20
Green Star Polyp Rock, Large - $20
Brown/Purple Crocea Clam (4" approx) - $20
Green Bubble Coral (3") - $20
Blue Mushroom Rock, huge - $25
Red/Green Favites (approx 55 polyps) - $60
Flame Angel (very eager eater, active and happy) - $25
Cleaner Shrimp (ditto)- $15
If anyone is interested in everything, we can work out a deal for the whole kit.