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Old 11-30-2009, 02:18 AM
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no_bs no_bs is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Kamloops BC
Posts: 415
no_bs is on a distinguished road

You need the Rubbermaid Brute container in gray, white or yellow:
This came up a few months back and the end result was that Rubbermaid confirmed that their other models leached chemicals and were not recommended for storing RO/DI water or saltwater for the aquarium hobby. They suggested sticking with their models that meet USDA guidelines as they do not have that problem. Several hobbyists (including Ltspd on this board) tested their RO water prior to storing it in their Rubbermaid container (wrong model) and then tested it a few days later and found phosphate levels that were unacceptable. So it turns out that only the more expensive Rubbermaid containers that meet USDA guidelines are recommended for use as water storage containers or sumps/refugiums for reef tank systems.

Here is another site that goes into detail.

Got me thinking!

Don't use anything else. I curently use a beige rubbermaid, and after a few weeks in there it gives off an smell! I do clean it out every 3 fillups but always will smell! So not knowing to now knowing. I will change. IMO.

Last edited by no_bs; 11-30-2009 at 02:26 AM.
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