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Old 11-27-2009, 10:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Dez View Post
I left in 2004 and just got back in this summer. Moved in '04, had kids and never did set up a tank during that time until now. It took me a little bit of getting used to everything again. I had kept all of my old equipment from 5 years ago (surprisingly not much of it was outdated). I spent a couple of months researching (mostly posting questions on here) to see what was new. T5's are new, so I jumped on that bandwagon in combination with my existing halides. I never knew about the zeovit system until now - giving that system a shot. I guess Beckett skimmers are a bit outdated now (but I'm still using one) - Bubble King skimmers are the rage now. It seems that a lot more people are using 2 part dosing that I remember from back then. Herbie Overflows were new to me when I came back in. All in all, these new things are good and I'm soo glad to be back into the hobby and being broke again .

Welcome back to the hobby!
I go on a few different forums and there are alot of people still using Beckett skimmers and some people that have used them before upgrade to newer versions of them. I would not say they were realy out dated just not the rage right now.

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